Artificial sweetener

The sensory properties of food is highly influenced by the sensory properties like taste smell texture and appearance. The selection and consumption of food in man play a crucial role in the regulation of human appetite and nutrient intake.

A sweetener is a food additive, which mimics the effect of sugar on taste. Therefore, they are called sugar substitutes. Artificial sweeteners are many times sweeter than table sugar, smaller amounts are needed to create the same level of sweeteners, and which are either not metabolized in the human body or do not significantly contribute to the energy content of foods and beverages.

Artificial (high-intensity) sweeteners are predominately used in the food industry for the production of sugar-free low-calorie foodstuffs. Their widespread use in the human diet is mainly due to the fact that, in contrast to sugar, they do not cause any glycemic effect/insulin response or calorie intake once digested, and do not adversely affect the microflora of dental plaque. Consumers often select those foods, which are composed of low-calorie sweetener because they want the taste of sweetness without added calories.

Artificial sweeteners are increasingly introduced into commonly consumed foods such as diet sodas, cereals and sugar-free desserts, and are being recommended for weight loss and for individuals suffering from glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

One group of such sweeteners consists of substances with a very intense sweet taste and is used in small amount to replace the sweetness of a much higher amount of sugar. The sweeteners of this type currently approved for use in the United States are- Aspartame, Acesulfane-K, Neotame, Saccharin, Sucralose, Cyclamate and Alitame.

Beverage uses of artificial sweeteners account for more than 50% of human consumption; sugar replacement by artificial sweeteners is simple, as carbohydrates do not play any important functional role in beverages.
Artificial sweetener

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