Cola and Health

Cola and Health
Cola is a caffeine-containing seed, or nut, from a tropical tree, the cola tree. In some African countries, cola nuts are so valuables that they are used as money. The nuts have a bitter, aromatic taste, and people chew them for their stimulating effect. Bottled cola drinks have very little cola nuts in them and do no taste like cola nuts at all. Though they do contain caffeine, it is usually synthetic caffeine or caffeine extracted from coffee or tea. These soft drinks are also drugs, and people can become dependent on them, as with coffee. Also, they contain a lot of sugar.

The combination of sugar and caffeine seems to be especially habit-forming. Many people drink enormous amounts of cola, and thought they may think that they are merely quenching their thirsty, they are also consuming calories and enough sugar to damage their teeth, not to mention large does of caffeine. Like other stimulants, cola drinks are not unhealthy if used in moderation; people who like them should just be aware of their nature and their potential for abuse. Parents especially should remember that so-called softdrinks are actually drugs that can affect the health and mood of their children.
Cola and Health

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