Consumption of carbonated soft drinks and risks obesity

Obesity risk has been negatively related to consumption of fruit, vegetables and carbohydrates, while a positively relationship has been observed with dietary fat, added sugar and carbonated soft drinks.

In 2007, Varitanian, Schwartz and Brownell explored the linkage between carbonated soft drinks consumption and the effects on health. There were clear indications of carbonated soft drinks consumption associated with increased energy intake and body weight.

It was indicated by simply decreasing the consumption of these beverages and consuming low-calories beverages as an alternative could prevent and treat obesity.

Several studies from the UK and elsewhere relate carbonated soft drinks consumption with obesity and reduced carbonated soft drinks consumption with improved weight status. Most commercial soft drinks contain large amount of sugar and thus energy.

Each 12-ounce serving of carbonated soft drink provides about 150 kcal, all from sugars, and contains no other nutrients of significance.

What led to an increase in soft drink consumption? Certainly the spending for advertising soft drinks has been on the rise. Another possible source of the increase in soft drink consumption is the increase in food consumed away from home.

According to the National Soft Drink Association, soft drink consumption accounts for approximately 7 percent of the energy in human diet, with average American drinking soda at an annual rate of about 56 gallons per person; that is nearly six hundred 12-0unce cans of soda per person per year. The highest consumption is in the males between the ages of 12 - 29; they average 1/2 gallon a day or 160 gallons a year.
Consumption of carbonated soft drinks and risks obesity

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