Colas associated with hypertension

Hypertension is one of the top five chronic health disorders suffered by American adults.

In one study a woman’s risk of developing hypertension increased steeply when caffeine was consumed in soft rinks – even with sugar free diet colas.

There are strong positive association between cola beverage intake and hypertension risk.

Fructose consumption has been on explosive rise and has paralleled the epidemics of hypertension. The yearly intake of high fructose corn syrup as an added sugar to be as high as 62.4 pounds per person.

Soft drinks sweetened with high fructose corn syrup such as colas and fruit drinks are the primary source of sugar in the American’s diet.

One the risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease is high blood pressure. High blood pressure have also have been linked to high amount of sodium in diet. Incidentally, diet drinks generally contain more sodium than regular soft drinks.

In populations with low sodium intakes, hypertension is rare. Sodium is present in many beverages including soft drinks. Americans consume about two teaspoons of salt per day, most of which is hidden in prepared foods, preservatives and flavorings.

Soft drinks also contain caffeine. Caffeine induces hypercalciuria, affects hydration and may aggravate hypertension.

Apart from hypertension caffeinated soft drinks also linked to depression, bone fracture, and neurological damage.
Colas associated with hypertension

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