Water for Softdrinks Manufacturing

Water for Softdrinks Manufacturing
Water is the principal ingredient in carbonated beverage production, and some cases it reaches over 90% of the product. It follows from the fact that beverage manufacturers pay attention to the quality of the water used in their formulation, to ensure that when the product arrives at the consumer it is consistent in taste and appearance and has not deteriorated during storage. Specifications covering both the physical and chemical properties have been developed by the major manufacturers and have been issued to their licensees to ensure that these criteria are achieved at all times.

The public supply in the urbanized areas of the world is acceptable for portable uses, but although it will meet part of the specifications set by softdrinks manufacturers, it will not necessarily meet their specifications fully without treatment, and most manufacturers install water treatment plant in their own factories. Water used from sources other than public supply will certainly require treatment to meet the set specifications.

A uniform and consistent supply of water will improve the operating efficiency of the factory by allowing a constant manufacturing process to be established and so eliminating the need to stop frequently or to alter the manufacturing conditions to meet any changes in water quality.

The actual water treatment process used will depend upon
  • The source of the water
  • Any seasonal variations that may be likely
  • Any seasonal variations that may be likely to affect the product.

The functions of any water-treatment plant will involve all or at least some of the following:
  1. To remove color and suspend particles (including colloids).
  2. To remove organic compounds likely to cause or impart off taste and odors.
  3. To reduce the alkalinity to a set level.
  4. To remove microorganisms and bacteria, by sterilization.
  5. To ensure a consistent product at all times.

Water for Softdrinks Manufacturing

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